This site is under construction.

Welcome to DMCA.Chat, your new partner for easy and effective digital content takedown solutions.

Soon, this site will be your primary resource for content takedown questions. We’re still under construction, but Quinn, the chatbot n the bottom right of this page, is already trained to answer a range of questions on topics like:

  • Piracy/DMCA/copyright violations—in case someone is leaking your premium content or otherwise re-posting your personal photos or videos without your authorization.
  • Impersonation on social media—in case someone is pretending to be you on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and other platforms.
  • Doxxing—if someone is harassing you online by sharing or threatening to share your private information without your permission and against your wishes.
  • Other unauthorized uses of your content, such as sharing your intimate content for any reason without your consent.

To get started, strike up a chat with Quinn in the bottom-right of this site. You can also use the search bar or navigation menus. It’s hard to guess which method will be quicker, since Quinn is still learning.

✔️Overview of Takedown Procedures✔️Legal and Policy Framework✔️Importance of Timely Action✔️Eligibility and Requirements✔️Step-by-Step DMCA Takedown Process✔️Common Pitfalls and Mistakes✔️Response to Counter-Notices✔️Sample DMCA Notice Template✔️Identifying Impersonation✔️Platform-Specific Policies✔️Evidence Collection✔️Filing an Impersonation Complaint✔️Post-Complaint Procedures✔️Response Timeframes✔️Dealing with Repeated ImpersonationDoxxing TakedownsDoxxing TakedownsDMCA BasicsDMCA BasicsDMCA WarningsDMCA WarningsDMCA TemplateDMCA TemplateSocial MediaSocial MediaSearch EnginesSearch EnginesStreaming Sites (Coming Soon)Streaming Sites (Coming Soon)File-Sharing Sites (Coming Soon)File-Sharing Sites (Coming Soon)FAQFAQContent Roadmap